Susan K. Stewart wrote a new post, What Types of Books Are Self-Published?, on the site Susan K. Stewart's Blog 6 days, 7 hours ago
Very Small Niche
If the market is specialized, most traditional publishers won’t consider the proposal. How is a small niche defined? Usually, the potential is fewer than five thousand books sold. Or it could b […] -
Susan K. Stewart wrote a new post, Why Consider Self-Publishing? Part 2, on the site Susan K. Stewart's Blog 1 week, 6 days ago
Why Consider Self-Publishing? Part 1
A Little History
As we learn about self-publishing it’s important to know the path of those before us. The process seems easy now. It hasn’t always been that way.Dan Poy […]
Susan K. Stewart wrote a new post, Why Consider Self-Publishing? Part 1, on the site Susan K. Stewart's Blog 3 weeks ago
For decades, the literary world dismissed self-published authors as amateurs and hacks who lacked the talent to land a book deal. But that attitude gradually began to change with the rise of e-books and the […]
Susan K. Stewart wrote a new post, Content as a Donkey, on the site Susan K. Stewart's Blog 3 weeks, 6 days ago
To carry a load without resting, to be not bothered by heat or cold, and to always be content: These things we can learn from a donkey. – Pakistani proverb
The temperature is a brutal 108. There stands Jeb in h […]
Susan K. Stewart‘s profile was updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago