For Immediate Release:
The National Association of Independent Writers and Editors (NAIWE) invites you to celebrate Words Matter Week on March 1-7, 2026.
MONTPELIER, VA – NAIWE’s annual Words Matter Week celebration shines a spotlight on words and their role in society. Writers, teachers, librarians, and word lovers everywhere are invited to participate.
“Words are the foundation of civilization,” says April Michelle Davis, executive director of NAIWE. “In every aspect of life, personal or professional, words form the basis of relationships with others. The written word preserves and transmits knowledge, evokes alternate worlds, and provides endless food for thought. Words Matter Week gives us the opportunity to celebrate words and focus on why they matter.”
NAIWE is offering a free downloadable poster and a list of suggested activities for libraries, bookstores, churches, schools and homeschools, nursing homes, bloggers, and more.
During the weeklong celebration, visitors of the NAIWE blog are invited to participate in a word challenge and share a link to their post. Join the conversation – we value your words!
For more information, visit
April Michelle Davis
National Association of Independent Writers and Editors
P.O. Box 412
Montpelier, VA 23192
Our Mission
NAIWE is a professional association for all publishing professionals! We exist to help members succeed with our unique focus on creating multiple streams of income.
We’ll cheer you on when your first novel hits the shelves or the first printing of your business book sells out. We’ll support you as you add new skills to your repertoire and learn to make a great living doing what you do best.
We believe in professional freelancers and in-house publishing professionals who love the rhythm and cadence of the language and are committed to polishing even the humblest prose to its highest luster.
At NAIWE, we know that a career in the publishing industry isn’t all about the art. It’s not all about the money either. Your work is about the joy of creativity, the freedom of working independently, and the fulfillment that comes from creating an authentic, abundant life, earning a living doing what you love to do. We believe that taking the road less traveled is often the best way to go.
We encourage everyone in the publishing industry to belong to two professional organizations. The first is a large, general, career-building association such as NAIWE, and the second is a smaller craft- or genre-focused association that will help develop additional skills in the minutiae of your craft.