Ruth E. Thaler-Carter posted an update 3 years ago
The new year is starting out at a level that might be hard to maintain! I did a webinar for a chapter of the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA) recently, about “The Future of Editing,” which led to two January 2022 posts to the An American Editor blog (https://americaneditor.wordpress.com/).
I’ll be making a virtual presentation on February 24 about “Websites for Editors” for the San Diego/Professional Editors Network (Open to non-members).
On March 12, I’ll be a panelist in a session about negotiations during the first-ever Center for Independent Journalists conference.
From March 31–April 2, assuming all goes well, I’ll present “Freelancing 101: Taking the leap to freelance editing” and “Marketing magic for freelance editors” at the ACES: The Society for Editing national conference in San Antonio, TX.
April will also bring an NAIWE webinar; details to come.
Links are at my website.
And most exciting of all, I’ve been named to the Brighton Schools Alumni Association (BSAA)/Brighton High School (BHS) Alumni Hall of Fame! We’re aiming for an in-person recognition event on June 3 in my hometown (Rochester, NY). The honor is for both my professional achievements/activities and reputation for connecting friends and classmates over the years. I can’t wait – I don’t know how I’m going to make it from now through June!