Join the Association with the Career-Building Difference!
If you’re serious about your career, committed to being the best professional you can be, and moving steadily toward your goals, you are an ideal candidate for NAIWE membership. The primary focus of NAIWE is to support you as you create multiple streams of income and develop the marketing components of your career, and we offer other career-building benefits as well. We hope you will explore this page further and join NAIWE today!
Marketing Benefits
We have core benefits available to all members.
1. Quick-Start Guide. We recommend that you start with Make the Most of Your Membership: A Quick-Start Guide to NAIWE. This handy guide provides a brief overview of the benefits you receive, along with step-by-step instructions for accessing them. By referencing this guide, you’ll become familiar with the NAIWE membership perks that most benefit you and unlock opportunities from the get go!
2. NAIWE Website
You may have read about how a strong presence on the web can build your publishing-related career, but you may not have wanted to spend a lot of time and money creating a website from the ground up. As a member of NAIWE, a professionally-designed website will be available to you. Adding content to your new website is as easy as typing an email, and you will be provided simple how-to instructions to get you started. You can also look at the NAIWE Member Activity Feed to see what other members are doing with their member sites.
Your NAIWE website, with the memorable web address of, includes
- Homepage where you can introduce your books or services
- Portfolio pages, for reviews, testimonials, references, and samples (whatever you’d like to include)
- Professional profile page, including education, experience, publication history, and more
- The ability to add more pages
3. Blog
A feature of your NAIWE website is a blog where you can reach out to readers and potential clients with business breakthroughs, new books published, speaking engagements, articles, tips, news, resources, and more! Every time you post on your NAIWE blog, NAIWE will re-post it on its social media accounts, expanding your reach even further! You can also look at the NAIWE Member Activity Feed to see how other members are using their member blogs.
4. Newsletters. The Edge is a monthly newsletter for both NAIWE members and nonmembers about happenings within the NAIWE community. It has a subscriber list of over 9,000, as of March 2025.
The Member’s Edge is a monthly newsletter for NAIWE members that equips them to take advantage of their member benefits. It features NAIWE experts and grammar articles.
From the Expert is a monthly newsletter for NAIWE members that educates them on a specific Board of Expert member’s expertise.
5. Newsletter Promotions. Posts on your NAIWE blog may be promoted in The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work With Words, which is the NAIWE newsletter that has a subscriber list of over 9,000, as of March 2025. Both members and prospective clients subscribe to The Edge, so your blog posts promoted in the newsletter become calling cards to introduce yourself and advertise your books and services.
6. Searchable Database. NAIWE members are all listed in NAIWE’s free searchable database! The database can be accessed by members and nonmembers so instead of just hoping for traffic, you can have the confidence that anyone can easily find your NAIWE website. You’ll be able to communicate with readers and potential clients through the information on your NAIWE site. As a way to advertise your skills and services, update your Professional Profile page of your NAIWE website to reflect your education and experience. This is the page your readers or potential clients will see when they click on your name in the NAIWE member directory.
7. Job Board. NAIWE members receive alerts from people looking to hire freelancers, along with specifics about the job postings. Members can then apply for the jobs by contacting the person directly.
8. Social Media Marketing. The posts you share on your member website are eligible to be promoted on NAIWE’s social media pages. The NAIWE Member Activity Feed is scanned each week on Member Monday, and many post titles and links are posted on NAIWE’s social media to increase your readership. Member posts that are tagged with the #NAIWE hashtag can also be reposted on NAIWE’s social media pages for you.
We have writing opportunities geared for our writer members.
9. Guest Posts on the NAIWE Blog. As a NAIWE member, you may guest post on the NAIWE blog. Articles should be between 500 and 1,250 words and of interest to our members. All guest posts will include a member byline and a link to the member’s active NAIWE website.
10. Guest Articles in The Edge. The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work with Words is the NAIWE monthly newsletter that encourages and equips publishing professionals. It features information about NAIWE, professional development opportunities, and engaging material written by NAIWE members. NAIWE welcomes and reads all submissions to the newsletter of completed articles written by NAIWE members in good standing with a developed member website. For more information, see the writer’s guidelines.
We have opportunities that appeal to our interactive members.
11. NAIWE Discussion List. The NAIWE discussion list is a respectful and professional community where members can express their views, share tips, ask for guidance on a project or client situation, discuss style and usage, ask controversial questions, learn from others’ experiences, become working partners, and think out of the box together. The NAIWE discussion list is tailored to publishing professionals as a valuable resource for connecting with one another and sharing ideas and feedback.
12. Member of the Month. You have the opportunity to be interviewed as the featured member of the month on the NAIWE podcast and blog and in The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work with Words, one of NAIWE’s newsletters. This benefit has great PR potential, as you can post the recording of your podcast interview on your own site, and it will be archived on the NAIWE website for as long as you remain a member of NAIWE. This interview will provide an opportunity for you to share your story with readers or potential clients and network with other members. And the positive press helps to build your career!
13. Book Chat. Your Book Chat interview will be highlighted on the NAIWE blog and podcast and in The Edge: Success Strategies for People Who Work with Words, one of NAIWE’s newsletters. This benefit has great PR potential, as you can post the recording of your Book Chat interview on your own site, and it will be archived on the NAIWE site for as long as you remain a member in good standing. Doing a Book Chat will provide an opportunity for you to share your story with readers or potential clients and network with other members. This is the kind of positive press that helps to build your career!
14. Affiliate Bonuses
Because your professional affiliations are part of your résumé, a “Member of NAIWE” badge image is provided so that you can add it to your social media profiles or other websites you own. And when someone clicks on the link from your page and joins NAIWE, you earn 10% of their initial dues payment. It’s NAIWE’s way of saying, “Thank you for posting your NAIWE affiliation.”
We have opportunities designed for our author members.
15. Book Promotions. If you have published a book, you may mail autographed copies to NAIWE headquarters. When new members sign up to support a member, they will receive a copy of a member’s book, along with a request that they post a review online. This is a great way to build your book’s audience and reviews!
16. Book Reviews. You may mail an autographed copy of your published book to NAIWE headquarters to be read and reviewed by NAIWE staff. The review will be posted on NAIWE’s blog, as well as on NAIWE’s social media’s sites. Then, the book will be added to the Book Promotions pile for a new member to read and post a review!
We have valuable professional development benefits with YOU in mind.
17. Personalized Consultation. Personalized consultations with an expert of over 20 years in the publishing industry. Get free confidential business advice, help with staying on track with business and marketing goals, assistance with completing a business plan, and tips for managing the business activities of your business.
18. Member’s Library. The Member’s Library provides articles written by current and former members of our Board of Experts on many industry-related topics to help your business grow. Topics include
- What to charge
- Why you need a marketing plan
- Power proofreading
- Low-cost marketing ideas that can build your business
- How to work with editors
- Why you may want to work with a business coach
- And many more!
19. Webinars. Each month, we feature a member of the NAIWE Board of Experts on a topic that is designed to help you grow in your field. Our experts are successful full-time publishing professionals, and they impart a lot of wisdom in an hour (or sometimes more).
Members attend at a discounted rate of $10 for each webinar. (Some webinars are even free to members!) Nonmembers may register for individual webinars at $30 each. Just attending the monthly classes without joining the association would add up to $360 for a year, so this is a benefit of great value.
20. On-Demand Training. The National Association of Independent Writers and Editors has hundreds of recorded webinars that are available to you to aid you in building up your skills and opening new windows to expand your income streams. NAIWE members receive $20 off any on-demand training!
We partner up to give YOU resource and equipment benefits.
21. Discount on Agate Publishing Academy
Agate Publishing Academy is a professional development certification program for publishing, designed to be more focused, more affordable, and more accessible than existing alternatives. Courses range from comprehensive general training in key publishing functions to lightweight introductions to important aspects of the field. The program can help new aspirants find that first job in the field, working professionals build the skills they need to find that next job, and leaders and managers train their new staff or interns.
Agate Publishing Academy is a division of Agate Publishing, a Chicago-based diversified publisher incorporated in 2002, whose books are distributed to the trade by Publishers Group West/Ingram.
NAIWE members receive 20% off all courses!
22. Discount on Authors A.I.
Marlowe Pro from Authors A.I. is a powerful manuscript assessment tool for fiction authors, editors, and publishing industry professionals. Marlowe is the creation of Matthew Jockers, Ph.D., co-author of The Bestseller Code, and a team of data scientists and bestselling authors. Marlowe provides an in-depth critique of your novel within five minutes of uploading it to a secure server.
Marlowe will analyze your novel’s plot structure, pacing, story beats, character traits, subject matter, percentage of dialogue vs. narrative, and readability. Marlowe provides both subject matter and stylistic bestselling comp titles with each manuscript analysis and will also track clichés, repetitive phrases, profane words, misspellings, etc., and deliver the results in an illustrated 32-page, full-color report with actionable insights based on its large database of bestsellers across fiction genres. Authors A.I. is a writers’ community and tech startup founded by more than 100 bestselling authors.
NAIWE members receive (1) 20% off an annual or monthly Marlowe Pro subscription or (2) one complimentary Marlowe Pro Analysis!
23. Discount on AutoCrit
AutoCrit is the online home for authors. We are a software platform where you can plan, write, self-edit, and format your book, all in one place. Join our vibrant Pro Member Community with Pro Member exclusive events and clubs offered every month. If you are looking to grow your craft, enroll in one of our many writing courses or workshops available through AutoCrit Academy. No matter what stage you are in on your writing journey, we’re here to support you. AutoCrit helps you write better, right now. NAIWE members receive 20% off annual Pro Memberships!
24. Discount on the Bottom Line.
What matters in the long run to the business of writing and publishing? This weekly newsletter by respected industry expert Jane Friedman tells you. Offering a mix of original reporting, analysis, and curated links, The Bottom Line offers a signal amidst the noise during a transformational time in the publishing industry and all creative media. NAIWE members receive 20% off a subscription!
25. Discount on Bowker
Bowker offers a wide range of tools and resources authors can use to publish and promote their titles. We make books easier to discover, evaluate, and experience — connecting publishers, authors, and booksellers with readers. Wherever you are in your writing or publishing journey, Bowker has what you need. NAIWE members receive 15% off select marketing and editorial products and services.
26. Discount on Cadman Training.
NAIWE is pleased to promote Hilary Cadman’s online courses in PerfectIt and EndNote. Hilary has been editing and training for over 20 years. The courses combine videos, exercises, and quizzes, making it easy to track your progress. And lifetime access means you can return to the courses whenever you need to. NAIWE members receive 25% off all courses!
27. Discount on The Chicago Manual of Style.
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) Online is the undisputed authority for style, usage, and grammar in an accessible online format. Completely searchable and easy to use, CMOS Online is available to individuals and small user groups, as well as academic, private, and public libraries, through annual, IP-based subscriptions. Subscribers receive full access to the latest two editions of CMOS, as well as access to the online CMOS Users Forum. NAIWE members receive 20% off the book or online subscription!
28. Discount on EZRA.
Easy Relationship Application (EZRA) is a database to house all of the information for your small business! EZRA was developed by Editorial Inspirations to meet the record keeping needs of freelancers and their businesses. NAIWE members receive a $50 savings annually! And there’s a free 30-day trial available.
29. Discount on Fictionary’s StoryTeller Software.
Fictionary is a creative story editing software for fiction writers and editors. It provides a structured approach to story editing that makes every scene count. Evaluate your writing against the 38 Fictionary Story Elements. Keep track of your characters, improve your plot, and create engaging settings. StoryTeller automatically creates powerful visuals by analyzing your manuscript from start to finish. Insights such as the Story Arc provide a 30,000-foot view of your manuscript and quickly highlight structural areas that need improvement. NAIWE members receive 20% off the software subscription!
30. Discount on Fictionary’s An Insider’s View of Story Editing Course.
Thirteen professional story editors edited the same novel. Each editor worked separately in Fictionary StoryCoach. This course compares their edits and shows you what worked and what didn’t. You’ll see actual examples of edits. It will also show you a scene before and after revisions were done based on the edits. If you want to elevate your skills as a story editor, this course shows you how Fictionary Certified StoryCoach editors work. You’ll know what you need to deliver to a client to help them tell a powerful story. If you’re a writer looking to hire a professional story editor, this course shows you what you should receive from a story editor. If you want to self-edit your novel, this course shows you where to start. NAIWE members receive 60% off the course!
31. Discount on Geoff Hart’s Effective Onscreen Editing.
Most editors must now edit manuscripts on the screen (“onscreen editing”). Though the editing skills remain the same, transferring them into a word processor can be challenging. For editors who are already editing on the screen, the book will teach you the skills you need to greatly increase your editing speed and accuracy based on Hart’s more than 30 years of experience as an editor and as a mentor for other editors, improved by incorporating feedback from students who have taken his courses on onscreen editing. To make the editing strategies concrete, the book uses Microsoft Word 2016 for both Windows and the Macintosh to show how to implement these principles. The information is provided in small chunks, designed for easy reading and browsing. You can dip into the book to solve a specific problem, or read it a chapter at a time to increase your mastery of the art of onscreen editing. NAIWE members receive 22% off the print book or 25% off the e-book!
32. Discount on Geoff Hart’s Write Faster with Your Word Processor.
Write faster with your word processor! Whether you’ve been using your word processor for years, or have just begun to learn a new program, it’s easy to fall into the trap of complacency and accept a basic skill level. But whether you write for pleasure or write for a living, you should be spending more time writing and less time figuring out how to use the tools. In Write Faster with Your Word Processor, Geoff will teach you how to use your software more effectively—both the tools you’ve used previously and new tools you haven’t yet tried. The skills apply equally well whether you write fiction or nonfiction. Although Geoff will use Microsoft Word 2019 to make the explanations more concrete, the same approach will work equally well with any word processor. NAIWE members receive 21% off the print book or 33% off the e-book!
33. Discount on Introduction to Ghostwriting.
Ghostwriting Professional Designation Program (GPDP) trains writers, journalists, and published authors to be book-industry experts proficient in ghostwriting theory, skill sets, unique tools, and mindset transitions. The GPDP prerequisite Introduction to Ghostwriting is the 6-week class to help you decide if professional ghostwriting is a good fit for you. NAIWE members receive 10% off Introduction to Ghostwriting!
34. Discount on Grammarly.
Confusing and sloppy writing damages your company’s credibility and frustrates your customers. Grammarly helps you write clear messages every time. NAIWE members receive over a $70 savings!
35. Discount on House of Design Web Services.
Shaila Abdullah has over a decade of experience designing websites for authors. Being an award-winning author herself, she understands the industry and will provide you with a content management website that reflects your unique style, genre, and personality. Other design services such as book covers and interiors, marketing materials, and email campaigns (e-newsletters, announcements, etc.) are also available. NAIWE members receive 10% off any service!
36. Discount on Institute of Professional Editors Limited Events.
The Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd) is the professional association for Australian and New Zealand editors. It exists to advance the profession of editing and to support and promote Australian and New Zealand editors. IPEd offers a range of professional development opportunities, including training and webinars to improve your skills. NAIWE members receive member pricing!
37. Discount on JPASS Annual Membership.
JSTOR offers access to a vast collection of scholarly content, and with its personal subscription, JPASS, you can easily access the world’s leading academic research. JPASS provides access to more than 2,000 journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, ensuring the accuracy and quality of your work. NAIWE members receive 25% off annual JPASS subscriptions, which includes unlimited reading and 120 article downloads per year!
38. Discount on Officially Social.
Officially Social is your personal social media resident assistant that relieves the feeling of overwhelm from not knowing what to post on social media to giving up and posting nothing. These Canva Templates provide some of the BEST starting points and include custom graphics specifically for editors geared toward connecting you with authors and other professionals to help you grow your freelance business. Officially Social provides an affordable subscription service for your book editing business. 20 new templates each month for just $18 per month! NAIWE members receive 50% off their first month’s subscription!
39. Business Assistance with Opolis.
Opolis: The Complete Solution for Self-Employed Professionals, Freelancers or Contractors
Opolis takes the stress out of managing your business finances so you can focus on your work. You gain a simplified, all-in-one platform designed to help self-employed professionals:
- Payroll services: Get paid easily and automatically help simplify your taxes.
- Health insurance: Access to high quality, affordable plans, just like an employee.
- Retirement savings: Set up 401(k)s and other retirement options.
- Business compliance: Stay on top of legal and tax requirements without the headache.
Opolis simplifies your business, so you can focus on doing what you love.
40. Discount on PerfectIt Software.
PerfectIt helps deliver error-free documents. It improves consistency, ensures quality, saves time, and supports style guides. PerfectIt is used by thousands of editors around the world. It lets editors control every change. Using PerfectIt provides editors with the assurance that documents are the best they can be. A free 14-day trial is available. NAIWE members receive 30% off the software!
41. Discount on PlainVanilla.
PlainVanilla makes contracts very, very easy. Our software allows users to start with a balanced template, make changes to fit circumstances, and constantly assess how normal those changes are. This level of transparency allows you to know if you’re signing up for something reasonable, or if it could be a bad deal. NAIWE members receive two years’ worth of contract templates!
42. Discount on PlanArty.
PlanArty is a versatile platform designed for freelancers and small business owners, offering automated invoicing based on time tracking and planning, including features like discounts, tax calculations, project estimation, and detailed timesheets, all aimed at maximizing productivity and business growth. NAIWE members receive 30% off the software!
43. Discount on ProWritingAid
ProWritingAid is the only platform that offers world-class grammar and style checking combined with more in-depth reports to help you strengthen your writing. The unique combination of suggestions, articles, videos, and quizzes makes writing fun and interactive. NAIWE members receive 10% off annual or lifetime subscriptions!
44. Discount on Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition is the official source for APA Style. With millions of copies sold worldwide in multiple languages, it is the style manual of choice for writers, researchers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, nursing, communications, education, business, engineering, and other fields. Known for its authoritative, easy-to-use reference and citation system, the Publication Manual also offers guidance on choosing the headings, tables, figures, language, and tone that will result in powerful, concise, and elegant scholarly communication. It guides users through the scholarly writing process — from the ethics of authorship to reporting research through publication. The seventh edition is an indispensable resource for students and professionals to achieve excellence in writing and make an impact with their work. NAIWE members receive 15% off the print version of the APA style guide!
45. Discount on Scrivener
Scrivener is the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more. Scrivener won’t tell you how to write—it simply provides everything you need to start writing and keep writing. NAIWE members receive 20% off a standard license!
46. Discount on Voiced by Maya
Professional audiobook narrator Maya James works with the ACX platform, connected to Amazon and Audible, and can also meet the quality standards for other platforms such as iTunes. Maya, along with her very strong production team, meets deadlines and ensures high-quality audio. NAIWE members receive 20% off audiobook narration!
47. Increased Commission with The Writers’ Factory
The Writers’ Factory is a platform to connect professional freelancers with authors who need their help to complete a novel. We accept all types of freelancers to guide authors along their writing journey. Our goal is to complete the entire writing process on one easy-to-use platform. We believe that every skilled freelancer should have a better chance to connect with their core audience, and we are here to help you do that! NAIWE members receive 95% commission on every sale you receive on the website!
NOTE: We’re always open to offering more benefits to our members, so if your company would be interested in partnering with NAIWE, please contact us to discuss your proposal.