Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Should You Edit Your Manuscript in Full or in Parts?, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 6 years ago
There’s no denying that professional editing is expensive. The final cost of editing will vary depending on the type of editing (developmental, line, or content), the amount of fact checking and formatting r […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer commented on the post, Focus to the Finish, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts, Shelley. I’m so glad you’re creating again too!
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, My First Manuscript, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 6 years, 10 months ago
Look what my mom found while going through some boxes! She sent this to me with “Is this your first manuscript?” written on a light-pink Post-it note. Just holding these now-yellowed pages in my hands and seeing […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Focus to the Finish, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 6 years, 11 months ago
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu
A man recently wrote me, asking, “How does one begin to write a book?” My response: “One word at a time.”But to do that one thing is key: fo […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, “You Are a Writer (So Start ACTING Like One)”, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 7 years, 6 months ago
When I sat down to write this post, my first since last November, I experienced a discernible visceral sense of rightness, of standing on terra firma. Finally. Again.
Since last October, I have been ensconced […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Blogging: To Thine Own Self Be True, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 1 month ago
Happy 2017 to you all!
For my first post in this new year, I want to introduce another form of publishing that is often overlooked: blogging. For those of you who have been considering starting a blog yet have […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Writing Contests, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 2 months ago
For my final post in 2016, I’m honored, once again, to have Ed Abell, author of the award-winning My Father’s Keep, to guest post. Writing contests are a commendable avenue for authors to build their platform and […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Freedom of Speech: Right, Responsibility, and Respect, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 3 months ago
This month, on November 8, the most contentious political campaign, certainly in my lifetime, came to an end. However, the rhetoric of hate incited during the campaign remains, and has even increased, in its […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Don’t Bypass the Copy Editor Revisited, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 4 months ago
In March 2011, I wrote a post about the necessity and wisdom of an author hiring a copy editor whether he or she chooses to self-publish or go the traditional route. Now almost six years later, I still stand […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Critique Groups, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 6 months ago
This month’s guest post is by Ed Abell, author of the award-winning My Father’s Keep, a deeply moving memoir of forgiveness, promise-keeping, and the power of love and grace over addiction and its deep effect on […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Writing Is Doing the Hard Work of Justice, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 7 months ago
I am honored to have Brian Forschner, author of the compelling Cold Serial: The Jack the Strangler Murders, his wife, Joyce, and his granddaughter as authors of the guest post this month. I met Brian about six […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Process: Where Life Happens, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 8 years, 9 months ago
Right after I wrote my last post (January 2016 “Taking Stock”), I got sick. Down-for-the-count sick. No longer do I have the bounce-back I did in my twenties. Or thirties. Okay, or even my forties. Gone are the […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Taking Stock, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 2 months ago
And now let us welcome the New Year
Full of things that have never been.
~Rainer Maria Rilke
As I set out to write this post, my initial topic was perseverance. Then it morphed into expectations (which are […] -
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Guest-Posting Trifecta, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 3 months ago
In my September 2014 post, I stressed the importance of having a storefront, which for authors (and freelance copy editors, proofreaders, cover designers, and web designers) means a website. Next to an engaging, […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Copy Editors Are People Too, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 4 months ago
I did a double take when I saw that the comma queen, Mary Norris, was speaking at this year’s Wisconsin Book Festival. I made my way to the already-packed room with ten minutes to spare and managed to snag a seat […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Writing Funny, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 6 months ago
Humor writing is a conundrum that baffles even the most prolific writer. A situation in real life that causes people to howl with laughter can and often does fall flat on the page. Why?
Apart from the highly […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, The Power of Punctuation, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 7 months ago
You might want to consider having a copy editor on retainer.
Late last month, a judge of the 12th Ohio District Court of Appeals ruled that a parking ticket be overturned due to—wait for it—a missing comma. The […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . .”, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 8 months ago
As another Fourth of July approaches, I’m struck by the sad reality that the true meaning of this holiday—our independence, our freedom—has been replaced with thoughts of camping trips, cookouts, and […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, Blocked? Don’t Fight It, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 9 months ago
I struggled with writing this article all month. Ideas came to mind only to fizzle once I began researching them. Then when one finally took root, some unidentifiable force ran interference between the page and me […]
Diana DeSpain Schramer wrote a new post, The Necessity of Slowing Down, on the site Diana DeSpain Schramer 9 years, 11 months ago
Fast food. Microwaves. Speed dating. Twitter. Life today runs like the scrolling electronic tickers at the bottom of financial television shows. And writing is no exception. Just the other day, I happened across a […]
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Releasing or changing things that are no longer working can be hard, but you’re right. It does make room for the next thing. I’m in the midst of discerning a shift in direction, so your thoughts really resonated with me. Now for taking those next steps . . .