Hilary Cadman wrote a new post, Making the most of comments in MS Word #TOOLS, on the site Hilary Cadman 4 years, 5 months ago
Most editors will be familiar with the basics of using comments in MS Word, such as adding, deleting or responding to comments. But there are a few things you can do to make working with comments easier for you […]
Hilary Cadman wrote a new post, Three reasons for editors to learn EndNote #TOOLS, on the site Hilary Cadman 4 years, 5 months ago
For academic and technical editors, reference management programs are like pineapple on pizza – you either love them or hate them. In the past, when a project arrived with references in EndNote or some other r […]
Hilary Cadman wrote a new post, Where did my header and footer go?, on the site Hilary Cadman 4 years, 6 months ago
See what you need to see in Print Layout view
When you’re editing, you might find it handy to get the headers and footers out of the way. Once you’ve checked that the header and footer have all the relevant i […] -
Hilary Cadman wrote a new post, Tools for editors – how to not track formatting changes #TOOLS, on the site Hilary Cadman 4 years, 6 months ago
As an editor, you probably work with track changes turned on in Word. However, you may not need to track every change. For example, clients might be happy for you not to track things such as removal of double […]
Hilary Cadman wrote a new post, Getting organised #BIZ, on the site Hilary Cadman 4 years, 9 months ago
I’m good at making to-do lists, but not at completing the tasks listed. I remember one item (find a carpenter) featured on my to-do list for about 5 years – it only dropped off the list when I moved house and it w […]
Hilary Cadman changed their profile picture 4 years, 9 months ago