Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, How Do You View a Challenge?, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 1 month, 1 week ago
The biblical number for God’s grace is five. For that reason, it’s one of my favorite numbers. God’s grace is what empowers me to do anything I do and especially to run my business. As I gathered with family on […]
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, What Are You Thinking?, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 6 months, 4 weeks ago
Thoughts are an important part of copyediting fiction and creative nonfiction. Taking your reader deep into the point-of-view (POV) character requires opening up the character’s mind. But how do you do this? H […]
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, The Bed, A Poem, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 8 months, 1 week ago
By Rachel Bradley
The brand new bed frame, distressed to appear old,
Elegant curves.
Cradling the nest where I find repose.
It has been a place of r […]
Rachel Bradley commented on the post, Days to Celebrate in June, on the site NAIWE NEWS 8 months, 2 weeks ago
I’ve been celebrating humility and gratefulness for the little things—such powerful life enhancers!
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, Hyphens, En Dashes, Em Dashes, Oh My!, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 8 months, 3 weeks ago
One of the first things I remember from my early days of editing is wondering what on earth em dashes and en dashes were. I’d come across the words on occasion, and it was finally time to get to the bottom of t […]
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, What Does a Copyeditor Do?, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 9 months ago
For a group of people who adore rules and guidelines, it’s ironic that a clear-cut definition for copyediting is hard to come by. Publishers will likely have their own definition and expectations, which can vary f […]
Rachel Bradley commented on the post, Days to Celebrate in April, on the site NAIWE NEWS 11 months, 1 week ago
Wowzers! The celebration never ends. I noticed there is no mention of celebrating our grand country by paying our taxes. LOL!
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, Either-Or, a Correlative Conjunction, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs. They join two parts of the sentence that depend on each other to form a complete thought. Today the spotlight is on one specific pair, either-or.
As a correlative […]
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, What about Tomorrow?, on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 12 months ago
I used to be a planner. My first husband once told me I was the most dependable, disciplined person he knew. As the second of only two of us in my family of eight children to graduate from college, I had given it […]
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, 12 Keys to Produce the Best Copyediting (Part 3 of 3), on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 1 year ago
9. Eliminate Distractions
This key compliments keeping a schedule. It’s mind-blowing how quickly phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media can drain our work time. When you’re on the clock, focus on […] -
Rachel Bradley wrote a new post, 12 Keys to Produce the Best Copyediting (Part 2 of 3), on the site Copyediting by the Grace of God—Rachel Bradley 1 year ago
5. Invest in a Blue Light Filter for Your Computer
I only discovered this after I started working full time. I realized my eyes were beyond fatigued after standing at my computer eight hours a day. So I did […]