active 1 week, 5 days agoBase
Name | Sandra Wendel |
Description | Sandra Wendel is a highly experienced book editor who specializes in helping authors write, polish, and publish their nonfiction manuscripts. Thus the impetus for writing her award-winning book: Cover to Cover: What First-Time Authors Need to Know about Editing, the first book in the First-Time Authors series she is developing.
Her greatest joy in editing is working with authors who have a story to tell. She has worked with Holocaust survivors (an honor and a privilege), a Secret Service agent, a bank robber, entrepreneurs, an eighties rock groupie, a homicide detective, a narcotics sergeant, a beat cop, funeral home director, real estate agents, doctors, lawyers, abused, military veterans, parents, therapists, a Pulitzer Prize–nominated journalist, visionary, CEOs, coaches, Vegas party girl, historians, and even more fascinating ordinary people with extraordinary stories.
One of her authors asked her how many books she has edited. Hundreds, for sure, and perhaps well over a thousand. Her specialties include memoir, true crime, health and self-help, and business/leadership.
She shares the authorship of two award-winning, empowering consumer health books with Edward T. Creagan, MD, a physician from Mayo Clinic (www.AskDoctorEd.com): How Not to Be My Patient: A Physician’s Secrets for Staying Healthy and Surviving Any Diagnosis and Farewell: Vital End-of-Life Questions with Candid Answers from a Leading Palliative and Hospice Physician.
She also wrote a cookbook tribute to her grandmother: Chewish (www.Chewish.com).
Sandra teaches highly popular continuing education classes at Metropolitan Community College in Omaha, Nebraska, called How to Write Your Book and How to Write Your Story (memoir). In addition to NAIWA, she is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, ACES, Nonfiction Authors Association, IBPA, and reviews books under consideration for NFAA and Eric Hoffer Awards.
She reviewed PerfectIt software at this link for NAIWE members: https://news.naiwe.com/2021/08/10/product-review-make-perfectit-5-your-new-best-friend/
She kayaks on her little lake in Nebraska until it ices over in winter and often reads a book a day (something trashy or a legal thriller) for escape and tries not to notice poor punctuation and editing.
Visit her website at www.SandraWendel.com. Email her at Sandra@SandraWendel.com. Join the Facebook group at FirstTimeAuthorsClub. |
Company Name | Write On, Inc. |
Website | |
Years of Experience | |
Skills | copyediting, critique, developmental/substantive editing, editorial consulting, ghostwriting, line editing, manuscript evaluation, project editing, proofreading, self-publishing assistance, structural editing |
Style Guide | |
Business Phone | 4023342547 |
City | Omaha |
State | Nebraska |