Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, How to Write a Novel: Starting with Desire, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 7 months ago
Alright, if you’ve been following my “How to Write a Novel” series, I hope you have found these posts helpful in creating fleshed out characters. Audiences are drawn to characters with identifiable weaknesses […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, How to Write a Novel: Weaknesses and Need, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 8 months ago
There is a lot of excitement brewing about the upcoming live-action remake of Disney’s Mulan, and I have to say, I am one of those folks. I am stoked. Mulan was the first movie I saw in theaters when I was […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, How to Write a Novel: Decide Your Central Conflict, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 8 months ago
When asked what author inspired them the most to write, many writers will name JK Rowling. Indeed, her books are quite phenomenal. I adored them growing up, and I would be lying if I said she wasn’t on my own […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, How to Write a Novel: Turning an Idea into a Story, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 8 months ago
Every story begins with an idea, and nearly every idea begins with “What if?”
What if the toys in a child’s bedroom came to life when humans weren’t around?
What if dinosaurs and humans were trapped on […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, How to Write a Novel: Getting Started, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 9 months ago
So you want to write a novel.
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that almost everyone has wished to or even intended at some point to write a book. Maybe it was a children’s book, a memoir, cookbook, […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, Wreck-it-Ralph 2 and The Art of Foreshadowing, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 9 months ago
So, I saw Wreck-it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet recently. Yeah, I know it’s been out for a while, but I’m slow with these things. Honestly, I just don’t go to the movies very often. Unless it’s a film […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, Dr Strange and Character Motivation, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 9 months ago
If you’re writing a story, you need a premise.
In an earlier post, I discussed how to create and develop a premise for a good story. A premise is basically your story, beginning to end, condensed into one […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, Aquaman and Knowing What Story You’re Telling, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 9 months ago
Aquaman could have been awesome… but it wasn’t. From a writing standpoint, it felt like a movie that didn’t really know what story it was trying to tell, and the result was a chaotic, fast-paced, […]
Teresa Gonzalez wrote a new post, Deadpool and the Character of Cowardice, on the site The Teresa Gonzalez Blog 5 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to my writing blog! This will be the first of a series of posts where I use popular films to discuss literary devices. This particular post will be about characterization. As an author, I am […]